Along with our belief in getting students into and engaged with the museum physically, we also believe students should have a space to share their research, creative projects, writing, and other achievements, expertise, and thoughts about art, art history, and the Stanley with their peers. 

The SCC blog will not only serve as a way to make our events accessible, but also to preserve the work that students in our group do--the work isn't gone once the event ends, but lives on here, for future students to engage with days, weeks, months, or maybe even years later. 

If you're interested in contributing to our blog in some type of way, drop us a line! We'd love to hear your thoughts on the art on display at the Stanley, the work you're doing related to the Stanley or the arts community on campus, or how the arts are impacting your time here at Iowa. 

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Two students stand together in front of the Odita mural in the Stanley lobby. Each of them is holding their clay creation in their hands. They're smiling, posing with the two clay snowmen they've made.

Dec 8 Winter De-Stress Fest

Friday, December 9, 2022
For our December Monthly Meetup, we focused on creating a space for students to de-stress before finals week. We set out some board games, offered some arts and crafts activities, ordered food, and put on Wallace and Grommit on the lobby's big screen. Read this blog post to learn more about what the SCC got up to this month!
A photo of the class gathered at the table. Fifteen or twenty students sit at a long conference table covered in fabric scraps, books, and garments. At the head of the table is a screen that is displaying a close up of varying sashiko stitches.

November 10 Monthly Meetup

Monday, November 14, 2022
For our November Monthly Meetup, we wanted to focus on concepts like sustainability and community. We hosted a food drive, put on a sashiko stitching and mending workshop, and curated a special little display of garment and textile art from the Stanley's collection in the Visual Classroom. Read this blog post to learn more about what the SCC got up to this month!
Another example of the event's crafts: Three votive candles (two orange and one purple) decorated with stickers, rhinestones, and markers, and then several pompom creatures with google eyes and other embellishments.

Halloween Crafts with the SCC

Thursday, November 3, 2022
For their October 13th Monthly Meetup Event, the SCC taught students how to make some fun Halloween crafts. If you missed the meeting--or even if you attended--and are interested in learning how to make some of these fun crafts, you can follow our instructions in this blog post.