What is a Monthly Meetup?
Every month, the Stanley Campus Council hosts one event geared toward engaging the entire student body--undergraduate and graduate students of all majors and programs of study. These events vary in the proposed activity or focus, but all were designed by students for students, with a goal of encouraging UI students to visit the Stanley and familiarize themselves with its presence on campus. Usually, these events take place Thursday evenings, when the museum is open late, from 6 - 7:30 pm. This month's event took place from 5 pm - 7 pm.

December 8
December is always a strange month. It's the end of the semester and the end of the year--everyone's a mix of exhausted and antsy as they reflect on the semester and year behind them, as well as the semester and year ahead of them. For this month's meetup, we decided to lean into this, and focus on hosting an event that was more lowkey. We wanted something truly not-stressful--for our attendees as well as ourselves! Something that would be fun, while also being relaxing. We try to strike the balance well with every event, but for this one it felt most important.
We, of course, needed to have food. We went with the crowd pleasers: pizza, cookies, a fruit tray, some snack mix, and an assortment of soda, sparkling water, and still water. We anticipated some people might come just for the food, which is totally fair! It's hard to do anything for yourself--much less cook--at the end of the semester when you're swamped with projects and assignments and studying for finals. In addition to the food, we had some classic board games available (Jenga, Connect 4, UNO, Operation, and Hungry Hungry Hippos) and played some Wallace and Grommit shorts on the lobby projector.
We had a few options as far as activities went. We wanted options where students could be as involved--or not involved--as they wanted. We had two different crafts available for students to do: air dry clay and rainbow scratch papers. We figured an idle creative task would be nice. Some people just scribbled on the paper or doodled their names, while others meticulously created whole artistic scenes! Same with the clay--some people just squished it around in their hands for fun, and others created very detailed works of art (some inspired by Wallace and Grommit). Check out the gallery at the bottom of the page for more photos of the event and peoples' creations!
Looking forward
You can expect Monthly Meetups to happen... well, once a month! Follow us on Instagram to keep up to date with what we've got planned for each event, and check back here for photos and recaps on how these events went. Our next event will take place at the beginning of the spring semester, on January 19.
Did you attend this Monthly Meetup, or any other Monthly Meetup, and take pictures? Share them with us via email! Or tag us on Instagram, @stanleycampuscouncil.