April 13th: On Display
In case you missed the April SCC monthly event, we dedicated a night to student artists on campus to display their art for friends, family, and the community to come out to see and support. The night was packed with these stunning student artists having a chance to discuss their art and showcase their work in the Stanley lobby. Read this blog post to learn more!
Dec 8 Winter De-Stress Fest
For our December Monthly Meetup, we focused on creating a space for students to de-stress before finals week. We set out some board games, offered some arts and crafts activities, ordered food, and put on Wallace and Grommit on the lobby's big screen. Read this blog post to learn more about what the SCC got up to this month!

November 10 Monthly Meetup
For our November Monthly Meetup, we wanted to focus on concepts like sustainability and community. We hosted a food drive, put on a sashiko stitching and mending workshop, and curated a special little display of garment and textile art from the Stanley's collection in the Visual Classroom. Read this blog post to learn more about what the SCC got up to this month!

October 13 Monthly Meetup
For our October Monthly Meetup, the SCC was unanimous in our decision: we HAD to find a way to celebrate Halloween with students at the Stanley! Our October event included candy, a movie, Halloween crafts, and a special display of creepy art in one of the Stanley's classroom spaces. Read this blog post to learn more about how the event went down!

September 8 Monthly Meetup
After the hustle and bustle of the first few weeks of classes, the grand opening of the Stanley Museum of Art, and the Student Kickoff, we decided we wanted our first SCC Monthly Meetup event to be a bit more lowkey. Read this blog post to learn about what we did, and about some other campus resources you won't want to miss out on!

September 1 Student Kickoff
After the grand opening, the Stanley Campus Council hosted an opening celebration geared specifically toward students--the Student Kickoff! At this event, we offered students two of their favorite things: free food and free stuff. Read this blog post to learn more about how our first ever SCC event at the new building turned out!

Stanley Museum of Art Grand Opening Events
The SCC played a part in the opening celebrations for the Stanley Museum of Art August 26 - 28, 2022. Read this blog post to learn more about what the SCC planned for the opening, and how we pulled it off!